The 2022 triennale is over
But the Mission Neighbourhood continues
We are currently debriefing after six intense Triennale weeks with exhibitions, talks, conferences, parties and actions at the old Munch Museum and around Oslo. Stay tuned for Triennale highlights, insights, publications and more.
There are now exhibitions and events all over the city – not least at our Neighbourhood Lab in the former Edvard Munch Museum (Gamle Munch). The Lab is open Tuesday–Friday from 3 PM–8 PM and from 12 PM–5 PM in the weekends, as well as for special events (of which there are many!).

The café at Gamle Munch is managed by Forandringshuset. Here we have both concerts, a neighbourhood library and 500 kilos of Lego. And enough places to sit down with a cup of coffee before or after a visit at the exhibition.
The café in the Lab is ran by non-profit organization Forandringshuset as a social project, manned by local youth. The café space includes a neihbourhood library, where the local library branch of Deichman Tøyen along with Oslo School of Architecture and Design have supplied the book shelves with neighbourhood books for readers of all ages. In another corner Tøyen Lego Club have put half a ton of Lego halvt for kids to play with (and just a block away from the museum building a new playground has opened, with Norway’s longest outdoor slide).

From the Triennale title exhibition, Mission Neighbourhood – (Re)forming communities, higlighting five selected aspects of the neighbourhood, divided into the themes of Understanding Places, Social Infrastructure, Our Streets, Naturehood and Reforming Systems. Photo: Are Carlsen
At Oslo Neighbourhood Lab three larger exhibitions are displayed:
Mission Neighbourhood – (Re)forming Communities shows 28 international projects exploring different dimensions of neighbourhood, focusing on aspects like social infrastructure, future streets, neighbourhood nature and systemic change.
Oslo in the Making shows relevant projects from Oslo with neighbourhood perspectives. This includes both bottom-up initiatives and larget urban development projects, as the fresh competition entries for the new sea front area of Grønlikaia, as well as the development plans for the current shopping/office area of Lilleakerbyen.
Peter Cook: Ideas for Cites shows the imaginative work of the acclaimed British architect and artist (b. 1936), especially chosen in consideration of his relationship to neighbourhoods and Oslo, a city he has been spending time in for decades.

There is also a separate part of the exhibition space devoted to the museum building itself. MUNCH FULL / MUNCH EMPTY / WHATS NEXT? looks at the building’s past and possible futures.
Check out the full Triennale programme here.

Screenshot: Wallpaper
Internationally this year’s Triennale, themed Mission Neighbourhood – (Re)forming communities has received good reviews and coverage in publications such as Wallpaper, The Architectural Review, Koozarch and Dezeen, Norwegian editorials Aftenposten, Morgenbladet and Arkitektnytt so far covering the Triennale nationally.