
Meet the people behind the Triennale

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    Photo: Jan Khür

    Christian Pagh

    Director and Chief curator

    Christian has headed a wide range of projects within urban planning, architecture and culture, both as a partner in the strategic design company Urgent.Agency and in the public sector. He is a lecturer at Copenhagen Business School in Design thinking, and holds a master’s degree in Modern culture and Philosophy from Copenhagen University and Paris VIII. A recurring theme in Christian’s practical and academic work is exploring the intricate connections between cultures and places.

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    Photo: Jan Khür

    Alexandra Cruz

    Head of Programme and International Relations

    Alexandra is coordinating the programme with various local and international partners. She has developed a variety of projects in the intersections between architecture, design and arts. She has worked at the Arts Institute from the Ministry of Culture of Portugal, with Portuguese representations in biennales of Venice in 2004 and São Paulo in 2005. Alexandra is educated in Architecture from Lisbon School of Architecture and in Scenography from Central Saint Martins, College of Arts and Design, London.

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    Photo: Jan Khür

    Thomas Cook

    Head of Development

    Thomas coordinates different professional collaborations and partnerships, programme and development activities, alslo having editorial responsibilities. He has previously worked with urban spaces for the Agency for City Environment in Oslo, as an advisor for the City Architect in Bergen, and is previous co-founder and owner of the neighbourhood café Nobel Bopel. Thomas is a freelance writer, and regularly writes about architecture, urban development and urban culture. He has a master's degree in Architecture History and a bachelor's degree in Social Geography from the University of Bergen as well as a master's degree in Urbanism at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design.

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The 2022 Triennale team. From left: Katharina, Jonas, Alexandra, Christian, Thomas, Pernille, Henrik, Marianne. Photo: Jan Khür.