
Joining forces with local architects

The Triennale guild members contribute to the programme and to neighbouhood thinking

Triennalelauget 1 foto Elise Børseth

The Triennale Guild is a group of 12 architectural offices in and around Oslo supporting the Triennale. Photo: Elise Børseth.

The Triennale guild is Oslo Architecture Triennale’s partner network gathering visionary architectural offices, that want to contribute to developing the architecture and urban planning agenda in the Nordic region.

Published 26.05.21

In the Triennale guild, the members are part of a specialist network which, by virtue of its community in architecture and urban development, has the strength to promote both urban quality and the Triennale.

The guild members have the opportunity to contribute to the Triennale program with events linked to the Triennale theme, and to contribute to strengthening the Triennale as a local and international arena - also beyond the Triennale years.

The twelve offices in the guild are: Code arkitektur, DRMA, Dyrvik Arkitekter, Link Arkitektur, Oslo Works, Rodeo arkitekter, SLA, Transborder Studio, Lundhagem, Nordic — Office of Architecture, Pir II and Snøhetta.