
District Stovner NO

Bydel Stovner is a green district furthest north in Oslo, with a population of 33.000. District Stovner are project partners with the Triennale

District Stovner is a part of the exhibition Oslo in the Making with the project Neighbourhood Node Vestli.

Following a period of negative development with challenges in terms of the living conditions in the neighbourhood, in 2017 Vestli was appointed as a new area for “områdeløft” – a public area-based initiative concentrating resources towards a place to improve living conditions. This year, together with the City of Oslo’s Agency for Planning and Building Services and Coop Eiendom Norge AS, they teamed up with Oslo Architecture Triennale for a partnership to explore the future potential of the neighbourhood’s main square and the possibility of creating an inclusive meeting hub for public services and for the municipality to meet its citizens (or the other way around). After a competition featuring architectural practices Lala Tøyen, Pir II, MMW and Fragment, the latter was appointed winner and is now developing a temporary community house adjacent to the square.

District Stovner

Other contributors:
Groruddalssatsingens delprogram nærmiljø
Coop Eiendom Norge AS
The Agency for Planning and Building Services, the City of Oslo
The Agency for Urban Environment, the City of Oslo
Lala Tøyen
MMW arkitekter
Pir II Oslo
