

Cobe is an international architectural practice founded in Copenhagen, Denmark

Cobe is a part of the exhibition Mission Neighbourhood – (Re)forming communities with the project Fingercity (Re)visited.

In the installation Fingercity (Re)visited, architectural office Cobe explores two re-generation projects that in different ways seek to change established notions on neighbourhoods – Høje Taastrup C and Brøndby Strand, located in the periphery of Greater Copenhagen.

75 years after the birth of the “Finger Plan” – a strategy for growth along five transit corridors in the regional area of Greater Copenhagen in Denmark – the capacity of the inner Copenhagen area (the palm) is approaching its limit for development. The periphery (the fingers) represents a number of physical and mental voids in the city; spaces for opportunity and places to define new hopes and desires, exploring community-living paradigms.

In recent years the pressure of development in the Copenhagen has resulted in migration to the periphery of the city. The aim for Cobes video installation on Oslo Architecture Triennale is the discussion on past, present and future identity of the modernistic masterplans situated in periphery of Copenhagen. The locations of a new de-centralized NextGenerationCPH

Cobe was founded in 2006 by the architect Dan Stubbergaard. Today, the company is an international hub of more than 150 dedicated professionals devoted to projects within fields of cities, landscapes and buildings that make a difference in the everyday and contribute to a future-proof urban life. Cobe is rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition and work with all typologies and scales. From design objects, urban spaces, landscapes and buildings – to urban and strategic development plans for districts and cities.

Project Team:

Jacob Blak
Mads Birgens
Emilie Zinck

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