Utopian drawing workshop
A collective drawing workshop merging architecture, poetry and drawing.
- This event is finished
- Location: Arkitektenes hus, Josefinesgate 32
Oslo arkitektforening and Tegneforbundet
The workshop is a collective drawing workshop involving groups of people, who will use non-traditional drawing elements to create a large-scale drawing. The workshop will include a neighborhood walk and introduction to the work of Open City / Ciudad Abierta in Valparisio.
Limited number of participants.
Manuel Florencio Sanfuentes Vio is a poet, graphic designer and editor who initially published the poem «Tierno dolo» in the book Trebolar, Al Fragor 2013. He teaches at the Amereida Workshop at the School of Architecture and Design of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, where he also works at the Taller de Investigaciones Gráficas and Ediciones e[ad]. Since 1997 he has been part of the Corporación Cultural Amereida and Ciudad Abierta, where he participates in their events and works. He is director of the independent publishing house Al Fragor, based in Viña del Mar and Santiago, with publications of art, poetry and narrative.
He rehearses an exercise in words and images tangential to the plastic arts based on the mark and its relationship with the letter and writing; important works include «El cuaderno del iletrado», presented at the VI Biennial of the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago 2008; «Demora inminente de un objeto intangible», exhibited in 2012 at the Parque Cultural de Valparaíso; «Auto da fe», in 2016 at the Sala El Internado in Valparaíso. In 2019 he published his collection of poems Noli me tangere, illustrated by himself. Recently he was in charge of the chilean edition of The Tender Narrator by Olga Tokarczuk, Al Fragor 2021.
Nicolas Ibaceta Zamora, is an Interdisciplinary Architect, Artist and kayak builder from Los Andes, Chile. Working with art as well as boats he has been internationally active. Since 2015 he has been part of the Corporación Cultural Amereida and Ciudad Abierta, where he participates in their community, exhibitions and works, as Documenta 14 and others. Through his work and collaborations he researches traditional craft as well as modern techniques of making, applying non-traditional techniques in the creation of his work.
Oslo Arkitektforening (OAF) er en lokalforening i Norske Arkitekters Landsforbund. Vi skal bidra til å åpne opp faget og være en tydelig stemme i debatten om arkitektur og byutvikling i Oslo. Arrangementet er i regi av OAF Senior.