
Autonomous neighbourhoods

Learn (autonomy) from Flanders

  • This event is finished
  • Location: The former Edvard Munch museum, Tøyengata 53
  • Organiser: 

    NTNU and the Urban Trigger Research Group

Welcome to a conference on autonomous neighbourhoods. Three Dutch autonomous projects with be presented with relevance to neighbourhood development in Norway in general, and Oslo and Groruddalen in particular.

Projects: Kleiburg De Flat, De Ceuvel, Buiksloterham


13:00 Urban Trigger Works, Ole Møystad/Jørgen Skatland

14:00 From De Ceuvel to Buiksloterham, Amsterdam, Marthijn Pool, Space & Matter

15:00 Kleiburg DIY Flats in Bijmermeer, Amsterdam, Guus Peters - NL-Architects


Organized by Ole Möystad and Jørgen Skatland from NTNU and The Urban Trigger Group.

Ole Möystad defended his PhD on architecture and cognitive semiotics in 1994. He has pursued this topic through academic as well as professional work in Beirut, Oslo, Trondheim, Lisbon, Barcelona, Asmara, Xi’an, Delft and Brussels. He is Professor in the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway, and head of The Urban Trigger Group.

Jørgen Skatland graduated with a degree in architecture in 2011. He just delivered his PhD in architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and Design, NTNU. Jørgen has been teaching architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and Design since 2011, and is a member of the Urban Trigger research group.

Urban Trigger